Welcome to The Helen Mirren Archives, your premiere web resource on the British actress. Best known for her performances with the Royal Shakespeare Company, "Prime
Suspect" and her Oscar-winning role in "The Queen", Helen Mirren is one of the world's most eminent actors today. This unofficial fansite provides you with all latest
news, photos and videos on her past and present projects. Enjoy your stay.
10 years
on the web
Entertainment Weekly has a bit on Helen Mirren’s interview on Netflix’ The Hollywood Masters. No stranger to portraying real-life figures, Helen Mirren may have her eyes set on her next “Shakespearean character.” “I’d be so funny as Trump. I love it. I’ve almost got the hair. Yes, of course, I mean, what a fascinating character. What an extraordinary character. I mean, that’s a character isn’t it, the real thing? I would say real life is so much more interesting than anything you can make up. But you know, a fantastic sort of slightly Shakespearean character. He may have a Shakespearean fall, I don’t know, but he is an extraordinary character.” When asked if she thought it would be difficult to penetrate Donald Trump’s psychology, the Academy Award winner says her portrayal of the president would start by looking into his background. “I don’t think that would be too difficult to penetrate quite honestly,” she opined. “You look at the upbringing. You look at the schooling, the father, the mother. I don’t know much about Mr.Trump’s background, but if I was to play him, I would definitely start there… That’s what you have to start with, the child, and the child is very much in Trump.” Mirren’s next film, The Leisure Seeker, opens in theaters on Jan. 19.