Welcome to The Helen Mirren Archives, your premiere web resource on the British actress. Best known for her performances with the Royal Shakespeare Company, "Prime
Suspect" and her Oscar-winning role in "The Queen", Helen Mirren is one of the world's most eminent actors today. This unofficial fansite provides you with all latest
news, photos and videos on her past and present projects. Enjoy your stay.
10 years
on the web
It’s been a long two years since the premiere of 1923, but it’s going to be worth it. PEOPLE can exclusively reveal a closer look at what’s to come in the long-awaited second season in a new featurette, which kicks off with Helen Mirren, herself, acknowledging just how torturous the wait has been for fans. “It took a long time to get here, you know. It’s been 2 years,” Mirren, 79, says as she sits beside her onscreen husband, Harrison Ford, inside the Yellowstone ranch on set. Julia Schlaepfer, who plays Alexandra, is equally eager to be back in the swing of things, as she says it “feels so incredible to be back” on set – and teases a “very, very emotional” season to come. “Taylor [Sheridan] sent me the scripts and I was weeping.” Mirren (Cara Dutton) credits the show’s “extraordinary crew,” too, for the magic of the show, while Darren Mann (Jack Dutton) says, “I have never seen anything like it. Everything about it is just so authentic.” The featurette can be watched in the video archive. Screencaptures and a teaser poster for season 2 have been added to the photo gallery.
Photo Gallery – Career Photography – 1923 – Season 2 – Screencaptures – Featurettes
Photo Gallery – Career Photography – 1923 – Season 2 – Posters & Key-Art
Video Archive – Career – 1923 – Season 2 – Featurette: A Closer Look