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Career > > 1989 > Through The Devil’s Gateway

Through The Devil’s Gateway

September 26, 1989 | Works on Screen for Channel 4 | 180 minutes
| Written by: Alison Joseph
The three-part docuseries "Through The Devil's Gateway" investigates the relationship between women, religion and taboo and how ritual impurity - women as unclean - permeates the world in which we live. Part one looks at the idea of impurity in the bible and questions why this became a disgust focused on the body. Part two opens with Ben Elton musing on how it would be if men had periods. Also in this part, jewish women talk about the Mikveh, the rigual bath of Orthodox Judaism. It then explores the significance of blood taboos in Judaeo-Chrstianity. Part three argues that because religions contain a denial of the female, they therefore confirm the very power of women. Women in the major religions of Christianity Judaism, Islam and Hindunism assert their own traditions and way forward.
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