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Career > > 2014 > Enemy of the Reich: The Noor Inayat Khan Story

Enemy of the Reich: The Noor Inayat Khan Story

February 15, 2014 | 60 minutes
Directed by: Robert H. Gardner | Written by: Robert H. Gardner
With an American mother and Indian Muslim father, Noor Inayat Khan was an extremely unusual British agent, and her life spent growing up in a Sufi center of learning in Paris seemed an unlikely preparation for the dangerous work to come. Yet it was in this place of universal peace and contemplation that her remarkable courage was forged. In 1943, Khan was recruited as a covert operative into Winston Churchill's SOE. Churchill's orders: to "Set Europe ablaze". After the collapse and arrest of her entire network, Khan became the only surviving radio operator linking the British to the French Resistance in Paris.
Cast & Characters
Helen Mirren (Narrator), Grace Srinivasanv (Noor Inayat Khan), Joe Isenberg (Leo Marks), Mike Sullivan (Maurice Buckmaster), John Danley (Henri Dericourt), Thomas Keegan (Francis Suthill), Jeff Mocho (Karl Boemelberg), Walker Babington (Gestapo Agent), Alexandra Bradley (Female SOE Agent), Wess Brooker (Cart Evictee), Teena Byrd (Radio Room Worker), Chris Conlon (SS Military), Jeremy Hall (Nazi Soldier), Allison Howard (Gestapo Secratary), Samuel B. Johnson (Gestapo Agent), Ian McCleary (Gestapo Agent), Tim Moran Jr. (Nazi Officer), Emilie Moskal (Mrs. Pinchon), Peter Muggleworth (Nazi Officer), Sasha Olinick (Ernest Vogt), Cameron Ring (French Resistance Officer), Miranda Robbins (Radio Room Worker), Elizabeth Saint (Female SOE Agent), Matthew Shea (Radio Room Worker), Ryan Scott Thomas (Captain Starr), Lisa Tuvalo (Madame Balachowsky), Renee Wadsworth (Radio Room Worker)
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