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Career > > 2020 > Escape from Extinction

Escape from Extinction

October 16, 2020 | American Humane Association | 89 minutes
Directed by: Matthew R. Brady | Written by: Alex Blumberg, Peter Meadows
American Humane’s inaugural 90-minute documentary throws a vitally important spotlight on critical efforts that may be among the last, best chances to save one million species on the verge of a catastrophic mass extinction. Narrated by Helen Mirren, the film examines the work of the major zoological organizations that are racing against the clock to preserve the million species disappearing in today’s Sixth Mass Extinction.
Cast & Characters
Helen Mirren (Narrator)
Production Notes

Matthew R. Brady won the DOC LA Award for Best Environmental Film.

Awards & Honors

   Parajanov-Vartanov Institute Award

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