Welcome to The Helen Mirren Archives, your premiere web resource on the British actress. Best known for her performances with the Royal Shakespeare Company, "Prime
Suspect" and her Oscar-winning role in "The Queen", Helen Mirren is one of the world's most eminent actors today. This unofficial fansite provides you with all latest
news, photos and videos on her past and present projects. Enjoy your stay.
10 years
on the web
It seems that all f-bombs have been used on talkshows, so that even a p-bomb, if there’s such a thing, makes it for daily news. Yesterday, Helen has been a guest on Good Morning Britain for quite an entertaining interview. First, Mirren hit back at the hosts remarks on turning 70. “Why do you say that like that? ‘Oh my god, she’s 70! How can anybody be 70?” Because we can’t believe it, you don’t look 70,” co-host Ben Shephard cut-in. “Yes I do, I look 70 with a lot of makeup on and nice hair. I do totally look 70,” Helen responded. Things got worse when Helen recounted a story of camping with Liam Neeson in the 1980s. “We’re camping in this tiny tent, all six-foot-four of Liam and me and we camp in this field, and it pissed with rain non stop for like three days.” Her utterance of the word “pissed” immediately caused the presenters to panic as Shephard replied, “Oh. We should apologize. We can’t say things like that first thing in the morning…one of those moments when you put your foot in your mouth. Apologies.” While Helen initially apologized and quickly rephrased her words (“it rained a lot”), the Tony-award winner then asked, “Why can’t you say that? It’s not very rude.” “Can we have that debate another time, otherwise we’ll get fired. You might be the Queen but you can’t save us,” Garraway replied as Mirren vowed to “shut my mouth.” You can watch the full clip in the video archive. Stills from the taping and screencaptures have been added to the photo gallery.